Growing up in southeastern Wisconsin, Robert’s love of all things weather started at the age of five, fascinated by storms rolling in during summer and blizzards blowing through in winter. On the winter side of the seasons, waking up to snow drifts burying in the front door in the aftermath of the Groundhog Day Blizzard in 2011 was the most surreal experience Robert fondly remembers, while his captivation with tornadoes and all things severe weather grew from his encounters both at home and while storm chasing, always from a safe distance of course.
Robert graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with his bachelor’s degree in Atmospheric Science in May 2023, having worked with the university’s unique Innovative Weather operational forecasting program from 2021 to 2024. He started in the program as a student intern, then moved into a paid forecasting position the following winter before being promoted to Assistant Director of Operations in December 2023. Following the program’s closure, Robert moved to the Fargo area to begin his career here at WDAY in May 2024. In his free time, Robert enjoys storm chasing and photography.
Contact Email: rdaley@wday.com
Phone Number: (701) 237-6500